We are very glad to inform you about the upcoming SampleRobot 7 upgrade which is planned to be released in the first quarter of 2025. The grace period for upgrading to SampleRobot 7 has started 2024/11/01. That means if you are interested in purchasing SampleRobot now you will receive a free upgrade to version 7 on release.
It was 2005 when we first showed SampleRobot at the Musikmesse in Frankfurt, Germany. Even though we wanted to have even more features in version one we received a very warm welcome from sampling enthusiasts all over the world. We remember a message from famous mister R. D. James who heard about SampleRobot even before the official release and could not wait to get his hands on it. That's how it all started.
After all those years it's a wonderful thing for us and thanks a lot to the community, SampleRobot is celebrating our 20th anniversary with the next, 7th incarnation.
So, what's this robotic upgrade about?
There are new sample export formats available as well as new plugin sampling options. New batch processes allow working on multiple samples at the same time. Release sample editing and export is included. SampleRobot 7 also comes with a new license management that makes transfers easy. And a lot more.
Here are some recent comments from SampleRobot 6 users.
'BTW, I confess that Sample Robot has without doubt given me the tools to create multi samples, keygroups and edit samples, more efficiently and precisely than any other software.' Paul Joyner from Worcester, UK, CEO Sub51 Sound Architecture
'Again, a big praise for Sample-Robot, it's a superb tool.' Doctor Dirk Frickenschmidt from Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
'I am quite thrilled with SampleRobot still and was just thinking about how simple and effective the interface is.' Gregory Cox from Stouffville, Ontario, Canada
Thank you for all your kind words over the years. We appreciate them a lot!