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Analog Synth Sampling - Venus Theory

It's very nice to see that this month two videos came out that demonstrate the sampling possibilities of SampleRobot, one dedicated to hardware sampling and the other one to software.

In the above cinematic sampling video composer and synthesist Venus Theory shows his workflow how to sample an fx-twisted analog synth with SampleRobot and turning it into a Decent Sampler instrument. The best thing is that he shares his collection called 'Isometra' on Pianobook for free. So check it out and make some music! Venus Theory, thank you very much for the efforts to produce this video and collection. Highly appreciated!

Venus Theory's YouTube channel

Another video, this time from German author Lukas Ruschitzka takes a look at the VST2 instrument sampling capabilities of SampleRobot 6. Thank you very much, Lukas! This tutorial is a step-by-step guide in German language. It also includes English subtitles. If you want to learn more about the offline sampling features with SampleRobot Pro's integrated plugin host this is highly recommended.

Lukas' channel on YouTube

A quick note regarding the upcoming SampleRobot 6.6 update. We are working on the native Mac M1 compatibility at the moment and reach out again as soon as the new version is available for download.

Happy holidays!